Blue Bunny Bits
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- If a player draws a PLAY IMMEDIATELY (Terrible Misfortune) card during play, then he must stop the game, announce that he has the card, and kill one of his own bunnies in The Bunny Circle.
- If a player draws a PLAY IMMEDIATELY card but has no bunny in The Bunny Circle, then he must place the card on an opponent’s bunny in The Bunny Circle causing it to die (discarded). This is also true if the player’s only bunny in The Bunny Circle is protected by The Heavenly Halo.
- To play a RUN card, a player must first place it down in the BOTTOM RUN position, then slide it to the TOP RUN position, and finally flip and play the card. All RUN cards work this way.
- If your RUN card has a Pink rectangular box on the left border, then you must have a bunny in The Bunny Circle to use the card.
- If your RUN card has a Pink rectangular box on the left border, and you do not have a bunny in The Bunny Circle, then you must discard the card. Remember, RUN cards may not be saved.
- There are two ways to play a SPECIAL card:
- a) SPECIAL cards may be played the same way that RUN cards are played. Don’t forget that if there is a Pink rectangular box on the left border of the card, then you will need a bunny in The Bunny Circle to play the card.
- b) SPECIAL cards may be saved by placing them off to the side with your KABALLA DOLLA cards.
- You may play a SPECIAL card directly from your hand instead of flipping your TOP RUN card. Don’t forget that if there is a Pink rectangular box on the left border of the card, then you will need a bunny in The Bunny Circle to play the card.
- SPECIAL cards may be discarded directly from your hand as a turn.
- SPECIAL cards may not be saved directly from your hand to the table as a turn. SPECIAL cards must go through the BOTTOM RUN card and TOP RUN card cycle if you wish to save them.
- A player can use any number of saved SPECIAL cards during his turn in addition to his regular play.
- All of the rules for SPECIAL cards are the same for VERY SPECIAL cards with one difference. The difference between a SPECIAL card and a VERY SPECIAL card is that a SPECIAL card may only be played during a player’s turn whereas a VERY SPECIAL card may be played during any player’s turn.
- Playing a saved VERY SPECIAL card does not count as a player’s turn. Playing a VERY SPECIAL card directly from your hand does not count as a player’s turn either.
Game Mechanics
- During a turn, each player may play a single card in one of four ways. The four options are:
- Flip and play the TOP RUN card.
- Flip and discard the TOP RUN card if you cannot, or do not wish to use it.
- Flip and save the TOP RUN card, but only if it is a SPECIAL or VERY SPECIAL card.
- Play a SPECIAL card directly from your five-card hand. This leaves the TOP and BOTTOM RUN cards in place.
- A round is completed when every player has had one turn.
- The phrase “adjacent players” on a card refers both to the player sitting to the left of you and the player sitting to the right of you.
- The phrase “adjacent bunnies” means the bunny placed directly to the left and the bunny placed directly to the right of the target bunny in The Bunny Circle. These bunnies may belong to the same player or to different players.

- Bunnies any number of spaces away refers to bunnies on both the left and right side of the target bunny in The Bunny Circle. Again, these bunnies may belong to the same player or different players.
- All cards that have a Pink rectangular box on the left border of the card are considered to be Aggressive cards with the exception of Choose A Carrot (any amount of Carrots) cards.
- If a player has three bunnies in The Bunny Circle that are the same color (Blue, Green, Orange, Violet or Yellow) or the same kind (Congenial, Gleeful, Lumbering, Sinister or Timid), then he may play an additional card per turn. This is called a Bunny Triplet.
- If the Bunny Triplet is established with the first card of a player’s turn, then the player may play a second card during the same turn.
- Additional Bunny Triplets do not allow a player to play more than two cards per turn.
- When a player has a Bunny Triplet and is allowed to play two cards per turn he must play one card first, draw a replacement card, and then play the second card. Here’s why: suppose a player uses his first card and then draws a replacement card that kills one of his bunnies (maybe a Terrible Misfortune). It is possible that he will no longer have a Bunny Triplet and therefore, not be allowed to play the second card.
- When Cabbage Cards and Water Cards are used to Feed The Bunny, they are put face up into a Discard Pile on your table.When all of the Cabbage Cards and Water Cards have been drawn, the cards in the Discard Pile may not be reshuffled and used again.
- All of a player’s saved cards (KABALLA DOLLA, Cabbage, Water, Carrots, SPECIAL, and VERY SPECIAL) must be placed on the table face up so that everyone can see them.
- If your game of Killer Bunnies is running too long, then try starting the game by giving each player a Carrot (or two) from Kaballa’s Market.
- If your game of Killer Bunnies is ending too quickly, then try removing a few Choose A Carrot cards from the Draw Pile.
- Players may join a game of Killer Bunnies at any time by sitting directly to the left of the oldest player and taking seven cards from the Draw Pile.Any PLAY IMMEDIATELY cards that are drawn by the player are discarded without being used.The player places his TOP and BOTTOM RUN cards down, and play continues from where it had previously stopped.
- If a player must leave the game early, then he must return his Carrots to Kaballa’s Market, discard his Cabbage Cards, Water Cards and seven playing cards.Players leaving the game may not give away their Carrots, KABALLA DOLLA, saved SPECIAL or VERY SPECIAL cards, or supplies to players that are still in the game.
- If a player needs change in KABALLA DOLLA, Cabbage Units or Water Units, then he may take it from the Discard Piles.For example, if a player needed to Feed The Bunny 4 Cabbage Units and the only card that he had saved was a 5 Units Cabbage Card, then he would pay with the 5 Units card and take a 1 Unit Cabbage Card in return from the Cabbage CardDiscard Pile.
- If the right amounts of Cabbage Units, Water Units or KABALLA DOLLA do not exist in the Discard Piles to make change, then keep track of what the game owes you and take the change when it becomes available.
- Any card that has a Bunny Modifier under the card title is a Modifier card.So far, there are three types of Modifier cards: The Heavenly Halo, Lucky Clovers (any amount) and Containment Suit.
- Modifier cards may be placed under any bunny in The Bunny Circle.Once assigned, they may not be moved to another bunny.More than one Modifier card may be placed under a single bunny in The Bunny Circle.
- If a Modifier card is flipped over as the Top Run card, but a player does not have a bunny in The Bunny Circle, then he may either discard the Modifier card, or place it under any opponent’s bunny in The Bunny Circle.
- If a bunny in The Bunny Circle is killed (discarded), then all of its Modifier cards are discarded as well.
- A player’s turn is over when he has flipped his TOP RUN card (or played a SPECIAL card directly from his five-card hand), and has replaced the card so that he once again has five cards in his hand and two cards down on the table.
- A player may buy supplies from the market before he starts his turn, or anytime before his turn is over.
- A player may play any number of saved SPECIAL cards during his turn. Saved SPECIAL cards may be played before the player starts his turn, or anytime before his turn is over.
- If a player has a Bunny Triplet, allowing him to play two cards per turn, then he must:
- Play his first card.
- Draw a replacement card.
- Play his second card.
- Draw another replacement card.
- The player’s turn is over after the second card is replaced.
- Players may place bunnies anywhere they wish in The Bunny Circle as they are flipped into play or revived from the Discard Pile. For example if a player has two bunnies in The Bunny Circle, then a bunny may be placed to the left, right or in between the two bunnies already down.
- A player may not, however, reposition bunnies that are already down in The Bunny Circle.
- If you get to the end of the Draw Pile and the game has not finished, then simply reshuffle all of the large cards from the Discard Pile and start again. Supply cards such as Cabbage Cards and Water Cards may not be reshuffled and reused.
- Both The Magic Fountain and Supplies Surprise cards allow a player to revive a bunny. This bunny can only be chosen from the Discard Pile. If there are no bunnies in the Discard Pile, then you are out of luck.
- Bunnies that are revived using The Magic Fountain and Supplies Surprise cards may go directly into The Bunny Circle.
- Any card that has a Red RUN printed in the top window is a Roaming Red Run card. The first two Roaming Red Run cards are Cyber Bunny and The Ebola Virus.
- Roaming Red Run cards are played differently than regular RUN cards because they may remain in play for many rounds. For example, suppose that a fictional player named Carol launches Cyber Bunny. Naturally she would place it on an opponent’s bunny, and that opponent would have to roll the Violet 12-sided die according to the rules on the card. The opponent’s bunny will either survive and stay in The Bunny Circle, or die and be discarded. After the first play however, Cyber Bunny is not discarded. Instead, it is placed on top of the next adjacent bunny clockwise in The Bunny Circle (the two cards will actually share the same space in The Bunny Circle). Cyber Bunny remains on top of this bunny and attacks again at the end of Carol’s turn (one round of play later). Cyber Bunny will move from bunny to bunny and continue to attack once per round of play always at the end of Carol’s turn. It is possible that Cyber Bunny may, eventually, attack one of Carol’s own bunnies! This cycle continues until the Roaming Red Run card is eliminated or no viable bunny targets are available.
- Trading may only occur during either of the player’s turns that are involved in the trade.
- Any player may trade: Cabbage Cards, Water Cards, KABALLA DOLLA, saved SPECIAL cards, saved VERY SPECIAL cards, Carrots or bunnies in The Bunny Circle in any amounts agreed upon by the players.
- Any player may trade cards from his five-card hand on a one-to-one basis. All players must have five cards in their hand at the end of the trade.
- Cards in the TOP RUN or BOTTOM RUN position can never be traded.
Game Mechanics
- The small Cabbage Cards are not all the same. There are 1, 2, 5 and 10 Cabbage Units per card. The market sells Cabbage Cards, not Cabbage Units. Hopefully you will be lucky and get the 10 Units Cabbage Card for your money, but most likely you will get a few 1 Unit Cabbage Cards as well. The same is true for the small Water Cards.
- The small Cabbage Cards and Water Cards do not all have the same number of units. Cards can have 1, 2, 5 or 10 Units per card. Kaballa’s Market sells Cabbage Cards and Water Cards, not Cabbage Units and Water Units.
- Choose A Carrot cards are used by players to take Carrots from Kaballa’s Market, whether it is open or closed. All Choose A Carrot card rules refer to single and double Carrot choosing.
- When all of the Carrots are taken from Kaballa’s Market the game is over and The Magic (or winning) Carrot is revealed.
- When using a Feed The Bunny card, a player places it on any opponent’s bunny in The Bunny Circle. The opponent will need the Cabbage Units and Water Units to Feed The Bunny by the end of his next turn. The amount of Cabbage Units and Water Units that the player will need are listed on each Feed The Bunny card. During the opponent’s turn, he may buy Cabbage Cards and Water Cards from the Kaballa’s Market (if he has some Kaballa Dolla), or he may try to make deals with the other players to get the supplies that he needs. If the bunny is not fed by the end of the opponent’s turn, then it dies and is removed from The Bunny Circle (discarded).
- A player with a pending Feed The Bunny card on his only bunny is still able to play an Aggressive card on his turn since the bunny does not need to feed until the end of its turn.
- More than one Feed The Bunny card may be placed on any bunny in The Bunny Circle.
- Any player may buy supplies anytime during his turn from Kaballa’s Market (if the market is open). The supplies that are sold at the market are: Cabbage Cards and Water Cards (which are used by a player to Feed The Bunny), and Carrots (which are used by a player to win the game). A player does not need a bunny in The Bunny Circle to buy supplies from Kaballa’s Market.
- Kaballa’s Market is open at the start of the game. RUN cards exist that either change the prices at Kaballa’s Market, or close the market. The market does not need to be closed first to change the prices using a Kaballa’s Market card. New prices are listed on these cards.
- Cards such as Carrot Top Casino, The Mad, Mad Donnelaith Bakery and Supplies Surprise will not reward Cabbage Cards, Water Cards or Carrots if the market is closed. Free Cabbage or Free Water cards cannot be used if the market is closed. However, since Free Cabbage and Free Water cards are Special cards, they can be saved and used when the market is opened again.
- Choose A Carrot and Carrot Thief cards may always be used even if the market is closed. Let’s face it, a good thief would know how to break into the market after hours.
- Lucky Clover cards may be placed under any bunny in The Bunny Circle. Lucky Clover lowers the level of any weapon by the number indicated on the card. For example, if a bunny with a Lucky Clover Double card under it is attacked by Fluorine Gas (Weapon Level 9), then the player will only need to roll higher than 7 to survive.
- More than one Clover card may be placed under a single bunny in The Bunny Circle.
- When using a Weapon card, a player places it on any opponent’s bunny in The Bunny Circle. The opponent must immediately roll the Black 12-sided die. If the opponent does not roll higher than the weapon level on the card, then his bunny dies and is removed from The Bunny Circle (discarded).
Facts About The Cards
RUN CARDS (Blue Deck)
- The Trojan Bunny may be placed on any bunny in The Bunny Circle and explodes after the player who owns the bunny launches any weapon. Until the player launches any weapon, The Trojan Bunny card is placed under the bunny in The Bunny Circle and could remain dormant the entire game. The player may choose to discard Weapon cards already in the Bottom or Top Run position to avoid the explosion. If the player launches any weapon, then the bunny and adjacent bunnies to the target bunny in The Bunny Circle must roll higher than 10 on the Black 12-sided die to survive.
- If the bunny with The Trojan Bunny card placed under it is killed by other means (or abducted by the Beyea Aliens), then The Trojan Bunny card is removed (discarded).
- The Ebola Virus may be placed on any bunny in The Bunny Circle which must roll 12 on the Black 12-sided die to survive. Since it is a Roaming Red Run card, The Ebola Virus continues by infecting one bunny per round counter-clockwise around The Bunny Circle.
- After an infection, The Ebola Virus moves to the next viable bunny target and waits until the next round of play. The Ebola Virus cannot infect the same bunny more than once during its time in The Bunny Circle. If a bunny survives The Ebola Virus once, then it cannot be infected again for the entire game (it is no longer a viable bunny target).
- During a round of play, the bunny carrying The Ebola Virus may be attacked and eliminated using any Weapon card. If the bunny dies, then The Ebola Virus is eliminated from The Bunny Circle.
- If The Ebola Virus has no viable bunny targets left in The Bunny Circle, then it is discarded. A bunny with The Heavenly Halo would be an example of a non-viable bunny target since it cannot be killed by The Ebola Virus. If The Ebola Virus is confined to an area of The Bunny Circle by two or more Barriers (Red Booster Deck) and cannot reach a viable bunny target on the other side, then it is removed (discarded). If the bunny carrying The Ebola Virus is abducted by the Beyea Aliens, then The Ebola Virus is removed (discarded).
- Nuclear Warhead may be placed on any bunny in The Bunny Circle which dies immediately. All bunnies within two spaces of the target bunny in The Bunny Circle are also killed. Clover bunnies (bunnies with Clover cards underneath them) may survive since Clovers lower the level of an attacking weapon.
0049: 0050: AREA 51
- Area 51 may be placed on any bunny in The Bunny Circle which is abducted by the Beyea Aliens. The bunny is returned when another is taken. An abducted bunny is placed off to the side and out of play until another bunny is abducted using another Area 51 card. If this occurs, then the first bunny is returned to its owner.
- If an abducted bunny has any Bunny Modifier cards (such as Clover or the Containment Suit), or a pending card (such as a Feed The Bunny card, The Trojan Bunny or The Ebola Virus), then those cards are immediately discarded.
- If the bunny that is abducted has Cyber Bunny on top of it, then the bunny goes away with the Beyea Aliens and Cyber Bunny moves on to the next viable bunny target in The Bunny Circle.
- A player with an abducted bunny and no other bunny in The Bunny Circle may not play any Aggressive cards (cards that have a Pink rectangular box) including a Choose A Carrot card. An abducted bunny cannot count towards a Bunny Triplet because it is not in The Bunny Circle. At the end of the game, a player with only an abducted bunny may still win the game (since the bunny is still alive).
- Bad Karma may be given to any player forcing him to direct his next weapon onto one of his own bunnies. The Bad Karma card is given to a particular player, not placed on a bunny.
- If the player has a Weapon card in either the Bottom or Top Run position, then he must play the Weapon card on one of his own bunnies (he may not discard it). If a player flips a Weapon card and has no bunny in The Bunny Circle, then the weapon is discarded (of course), but the Bad Karma will remain until the player launches a Weapon card at one of his own bunnies.
- Baker Street may be given to any player who, while winding his way down Baker Street, gets lost causing him to lose his next turn. Baker Street may be used once by a player with at least one bunny in The Bunny Circle, however, the opponent may or may not have a bunny of his own in The Bunny Circle.
- Black Cat may be used once by a player to remove all Clover cards from any one bunny in The Bunny Circle. An Odd roll of the Green 12-sided die allows the player to keep the Clover cards and either to replace them under any bunny (or bunnies if more than one Clover card is taken) in The Bunny Circle or simply to discard them. An Even roll of the Green 12-sided die forces the player to discard the Clover cards.
- Since it is a Roaming Red Run card, Cyber Bunny will attack one bunny per round of play (traveling in a clockwise direction) in The Bunny Circle. Any bunny attacked must roll higher than 9 on the Violet 12-sided die to survive. Cyber Bunny is not a weapon and cannot be subjugated by using Clovers or Defense Cards ( Red Booster Deck).
- After the attack, Cyber Bunny moves to the next viable bunny target and waits until the next round of play. Cyber Bunny can attack the same bunny more than once during its time in The Bunny Circle. When Cyber Bunny encounters a Barrier ( Red Booster Deck), it will change direction and could easily attack the same bunny twice (on consecutive turns).
- Cyber Bunny itself may be attacked and eliminated using any Weapon card. The player who launched Cyber Bunny rolls for its defense against a Weapon card even if the same player also launched the weapon. During play, Cyber Bunny will be waiting on top of a bunny (the next viable bunny target). If a weapon is designed to attack a single bunny, then a player may direct it onto Cyber Bunny, or the bunny underneath, but not both. If the weapon is a range weapon (such as Miniature Black Hole or Sea Whiz Mount), then both Cyber Bunny and the bunny underneath are affected equally (whether they were the direct target of the weapon or within the weapon’s range). If the weapon wanders from one bunny to another (such as The Ebola Virus), then Cyber Bunny will roll before the bunny underneath.
- If Cyber Bunny has no viable bunny targets left in The Bunny Circle, then it is discarded. A bunny with The Heavenly Halo would be an example of a non-viable bunny target since it cannot be killed by Cyber Bunny. If Cyber Bunny is confined to an area of The Bunny Circle by two or more Barriers ( Red Booster Deck) and cannot reach a viable bunny target on the other side, then it is removed (discarded).
- Keep in mind that Cyber Bunny is not a bunny. Cyber Bunny is an alien-enhanced killing machine. Cyber Bunny cannot be abducted by the Beyea Aliens. They are the ones who sent him to Earth in the first place.
- Defector Detector may be placed on any bunny in The Bunny Circle. All players roll any one of the 12-sided dice. The highest roller takes the bunny.
- The player who played Defector Detector may re-roll the die if he does not like his first roll. If two players tie for the highest roll, then both players must roll the 12-sided die again (and keep rolling) until the tie is broken.
- Drought may be used once to force any player to immediately lose all of his Water Units. The player also loses any Water Vouchers (Ominous Onyx Booster Deck) that he may have been saving.
- Free Agent bunny may be used by a player as any bunny of any kind (Congenial, Gleeful, Lumbering, Sinister or Timid) and any color (except Red or Pink – Red or Pink Booster Deck). The identity of the bunny may change at any time during play as the need arises. Free Agent bunnies make forming a Bunny Triplet much easier. Free Agent bunnies cannot become Specialty bunnies (Violet Booster Deck) or Celebrity bunnies ( Ominous Onyx Booster Deck).
- The Heavenly Halo may be placed under any bunny in The Bunny Circle. Once assigned to a bunny, The Heavenly Halo cannot be moved to another bunny. If the bunny with The Heavenly Halo changes owners, then the Halo goes with it. If a player runs The Heavenly Halo card but has no bunny in The Bunny Circle, then he may either place it on any opponent’s bunny in The Bunny Circle or simply discard the card.
- The Heavenly Halo is a Modifier card, and by itself is not a bunny. The Heavenly Halo protects any one bunny from all harm (Weapons), hunger (Feed or Gorge The Bunny), misfortune (Terrible) and abduction (Area 51). A bunny with The Heavenly Halo may, however, defect (Defector Detector), be auctioned (Bunny Block Bid), be exchanged (Bunny Exchange – Red Booster Deck) or gambled (Poverty Poker).
- If a player’s only bunny has The Heavenly Halo, then he may not play any Aggressive cards (cards that have a Pink rectangular box). Remember that Choose A Carrot cards are not Aggressive cards even though they have the Pink rectangular box.
- Maggots may be used once to force any player to immediately lose all of his Cabbage Units. The player also loses any Cabbage Vouchers ( Ominous Onyx Booster Deck) that he may have been saving.
- Poverty Poker allows a player to force his opponents to gamble for any number of items. These items can be Cabbage Units, Water Units, Carrots, Dolla, or bunnies. Later on, booster decks will introduce other items such as: Defense Units, Pawns, Zodiac cards, and Mysterious Place cards.
- The player who uses Poverty Poker must decide what the stakes will be for the gamble. Everyone who can play must play. For example, let’s pretend that a fictional player Carol decided to play Poverty Poker for 2 Kaballa Dolla and 1 Carrot. Each player with at least 2 Kaballa Dolla and 1 Carrot must play. All players involved in the gamble roll any one of the 12-sided dice. The highest roller takes all of the Kaballa Dolla and all of the Carrots. Of course Carol must participate in her own gamble.
- The player who played Poverty Poker may re-roll the die if he does not like his first roll. If two players tie for the highest roll, then both players must roll the 12-sided die again (and keep rolling) until the tie is broken.
- If the stakes involve a Carrot or a bunny, then each opponent may choose which Carrot or bunny to risk. If the player’s stakes include a bunny and an opponent’s only bunny has The Heavenly Halo, then he must risk the bunny.
- To use Carrot Top Casino, a player must have a bunny in The Bunny Circle because it is an Aggressive card (cards that have a Pink rectangular box). Carrot Top Casino may be placed on any bunny in The Bunny Circle. The player must choose the bunny that will take the risk for the card. This target bunny can be one of his own bunnies or any opponent’s bunny in The Bunny Circle. The owner of the target bunny rolls the five 12-sided dice (Violet, Orange, Green, Yellow and Blue) and either reaps the reward of the card or suffers the consequence.
- If all of the dice show different numbers, then the player may choose a Carrot from Kaballa’s Market (if the market is open) and take 7 Dolla from the Discard Pile. If any two dice show the same number (doubles), then the player feeds the target bunny 1 Cabbage Unit and 1 Water Unit immediately. If any three dice show the same number, then the target bunny is snuffed (discarded) by the casino bosses!
- If the consequence for a bunny is to feed, then it must be done immediately. An opponent with no saved Cabbage Units or saved Water Units will not have the opportunity to buy supplies from Kaballa’s Market since it will not be his turn.
- Free Cabbage may be used once by a player to take two Cabbage Cards from Kaballa’s Market. Free Cabbage may not be used if Kaballa’s Market is closed.
- Free Water may be used once by a player to take two Water Cards from Kaballa’s Market. Free Water may not be used if Kaballa’s Market is closed.
- Geneva Convention may be used once to force any one player to discard all of the Weapon cards in his five-card hand. Bottom and Top Run cards are not affected.
- Half Price Coupon may be used for one turn by a player to purchase any items at Kaballa’s Market for half price. If the total price of an item or items requires a Half Dolla (Stainless Steel Booster Deck) and no Half Dolla is available, then the player must round up to the nearest Dolla.
- Large Prune Danish may be used once by a player to feed the bunny. Any one bunny is fed any amounts of Cabbage Units and Water Units whether the amounts needed are from a single or several pending Feed The Bunny cards.
- To use The Mad, Mad Donnelaith Bakery, a player must have a bunny in The Bunny Circle because it is an Aggressive card (cards that have a Pink rectangular box). The Mad, Mad Donnelaith Bakery may be placed on any bunny in The Bunny Circle. The player must choose the bunny that will take the risk for the card. This target bunny may be one of his own bunnies or any opponent’s bunny in The Bunny Circle. The player who owns the target bunny rolls the Red 12-sided die ( Red Booster Deck) and either reaps the reward of the card or suffers the consequence. Since the Red 12-sided die comes in the Red Booster Deck, for now simply use the Orange 12-sided die.
- If the consequence for a bunny is to feed, then it must be done immediately. An opponent with no saved Cabbage Units or saved Water Units will not have the opportunity to buy supplies from Kaballa’s Market since it will not be his turn. Cabbage Cards, Water Cards, and Carrots are taken from Kaballa’s Market (if the market is open).
- The Magic Fountain may be used once by a player to choose a number (1-12) and to roll the five 12-sided dice (Violet, Orange, Green, Yellow and Blue). The number of correct rolls is the number of bunnies that a player may revive from the Discard Pile and immediately place anywhere in The Bunny Circle.
- For example, let’s pretend that a fictional player Carol wants to use The Magic Fountain card. She will not need a bunny in The Bunny Circle since this is not an Aggressive card (no Pink rectangular box on this card). First, Carol will choose her lucky number which is 4. Next, Carol will roll the five 12-sided dice. If a 4 is rolled on any of the dice, then Carol may take any bunny from the Discard Pile and place it anywhere in The Bunny Circle. If Carol rolls two 4s, then she may take two bunnies from the Discard Pile.
- Supplies Surprise may be used once by a player to roll the five 12-sided dice (Violet, Orange, Green, Yellow and Blue). The color die that has the lowest roll is the supply taken by the player. If two or more dice roll the lowest number, then the player may take more than one supply.
- Carrots, Cabbage Cards and Water Cards are taken from Kaballa’s Market (if the market is open). Bunnies and Dolla are taken from the Discard Pile if they are available.
- Rooney’s Reusuables may be used once by a player to re-use any of his weapons a second time during the same turn of play before it is discarded. The target bunny may remain the same or be changed.
- If the weapon is The Trojan Bunny or The Ebola Virus, then the player may re-use the weapon immediately after it is removed from play (which could be many turns away). It is possible that this could happen during another player’s turn.
- Remember that Cyber Bunny is not a weapon, and therefore cannot be re-used with Rooney’s Reusables.
- Sunny Day may be used once by a player to eliminate all pending Feed The Bunny cards for all bunnies in The Bunny Circle, The Ebola Virus from The Bunny Circle, C.O.M.A. (Orange Booster Deck), Poison Cups (Perfectly Pink Booster Deck) and Mad Bunny Disease (Wacky Khaki Booster Deck). Or Sunny Day may be exchanged once per game for The White Stuff (Twilight White Booster Deck). May be used at any time!
RUN CARDS (Yellow Booster Deck)
- Gorge The Bunny may be placed on any bunny in The Bunny Circle which must feed the amounts shown by the end of its next turn or die. All of the rules for the Gorge The Bunny card are the same as the rules for the Feed The Bunny cards. The name was changed to emphasize the amounts of Cabbage Units and Water Units needed to feed (10 of each!). The Gorge The Bunny card should be considered a Feed The Bunny card, and may be eliminated using Sunny Day.
- Sea Whiz Mount may be placed on any bunny in The Bunny Circle which must roll higher than 10 on the Black 12-sided die to survive. Adjacent bunnies to the target bunny in The Bunny Circle must roll higher than 9 on the Black 12-sided die to survive.
- Miniature Black Hole may be placed on any bunny in The Bunny Circle which must roll 12 on the Black 12-sided die to survive. Adjacent bunnies to the target bunny must roll higher than 10 on the Black 12-sided die to survive, bunnies two spaces away in The Bunny Circle must roll higher than 9 on the Black 12-sided die to survive and so on until all bunnies in The Bunny Circle have rolled.
- Stray Asteroid may be placed on any bunny in The Bunny Circle which dies immediately. All bunnies within three spaces of the target bunny in The Bunny Circle are also killed. Clover bunnies (bunnies with Clover cards underneath them) may survive since Clovers lower the level of an attacking weapon.
- Bunny Block Bid may be used once by a player to auction any bunny in The Bunny Circle. The highest bidder pays Kaballa (the Discard Pile) for the bunny. The player bids first, and bidding continues in the order of play.
- Carrot Thief may be used once by a player to roll either the Orange 12-sided or Clear 20-sided die (Violet Booster Deck) and to steal the Carrot numbered the same as the roll from either Kaballa or any opponent. For example, if a player rolls a 6 on the Orange 12-sided die, then he may steal Carrot #6 (Butch) from the opponent who owns the Carrot, or from Kaballa’s Market (even if the market is closed).
- Kaballa doubles your Dolla! Double No Trouble allows a player to take an amount of Dolla from the Discard Pile that is equal to the amount of Dolla that he has saved. For example, if a player has 5 Dolla when the card is played, then he will take another 5 Dolla from the Discard Pile. If the Discard Pile does not have the Dolla available, then the player may keep track of what the game owes him and take the Dolla from the Discard Pile when it becomes available. Players are not allowed to collect Dolla from any opponents to double while using the Double No Trouble card.
- Rock Bottom may be used once by a player with no Cabbage Units or Water Units to take half the Cabbage Units and Water Units from the opponent with the most. If a player wishes to use Rock Bottom, then he must have no Cabbage Units to get Cabbage Units from an opponent, and no Water Units to get Water Units from an opponent. A player may get both supplies if he starts with no Cabbage Units and no Water Units.
- The opponent with the greatest amount of Cabbage Units gives the player (who is using Rock Bottom) half of his Cabbage Units, and the opponent with the greatest amount of Water Units gives the player half of his Water Units. To find the total amount of Cabbage Units or Water Units, an opponent must add all of the units on all of his cards and Vouchers (Ominous Onyx Booster Deck).
- If there is a tie and two or more opponents have the same number of Cabbage Units or Water Units, then the player may decide from which opponent he will take the supplies. If the opponent has an odd number of Cabbage Units or Water Units that cannot be divided equally, then he will keep the extra unit for himself.
- To use Russian Roulette, all players with at least one bunny in The Bunny Circle must roll a 12-sided die. The lowest roller loses his bunny. The player who played Russian Roulette may re-roll the die if he does not like his first roll.
- Each player gets to choose which of his bunnies will participate. If a player’s only bunny has The Heavenly Halo, then he may not participate since the bunny cannot be harmed.
- If two players tie for the lowest roll, then both players must roll one of the dice again (and keep rolling) until the tie is broken.
- Weil’s Freshness Center may be used once by a player to force any opponent to either pay 2 Dolla each (to the discard) to keep his Carrots fresh or to return them to Kaballa’s Market (even if the market is closed). An opponent may only have enough Dolla to keep some of his Carrots. For example, if the opponent had five Carrots but only 7 Dolla saved, then he could pay for three Carrots (a total of 6 Dolla) and would have to choose which two Carrots to return to Kaballa’s Market.
SPECIAL CARDS (Yellow Booster Deck)
0145: BUG OFF
- Bug Off may be used once by a player to eliminate the Roaches or to counteract the Maggots before losing all of his Cabbage Units. This card must be a saved Special to be used immediately. Remember, to save a Special card, a player must run it through the Bottom and Top Run card cycle.
- Unlike Very Special cards, Bug Off may not be used to save other player’s bunnies from harm. This card is for the exclusive use of the player who has it saved.
- Free Cabbage And Water may be used once by a player to take one Cabbage Card and one Water Card from Kaballa’s Market. Free Cabbage And Water may not be used if Kaballa’s Market is closed.
- The player with this card saved must double the range and level of each weapon he launches. Only weapon levels 1-9 are affected by The Minilith. Weapons affect the target bunny and adjacent bunnies.
- Doubling the Weapon Level may make it nearly impossible for an opponent to survive a weapon. For example, if a player with The Minilith card saved plays the Flame Thrower ( Weapon Level 8 ) on a bunny in The Bunny Circle, then all three bunnies affected would need to roll higher than 16 on the Black 12-sided die to survive (which is not possible). It is, however, possible for any bunny to have enough Clovers underneath it to survive.
- If at any time the player has no bunnies in The Bunny Circle, then The Minilith is discarded immediately.This is indicated by the Pink circle covering the Pink rectangular box.Players cannot save this Special without a bunny in The Bunny Circle.Remember, to save a Special card, a player must run it through the Bottom and Top Run card cycle.
- A player may not choose which weapons will be affected.If a player has The Minilith saved, then all of the weapons levels 1-9 that he uses will be affected.A player may, however, discard The Minilith at any time during his turn.
- Noah’s Flood may be used once by a player to eliminate the Flame Thrower or to counteract the Drought before losing all of his Water Units.This card must be a saved Special to be used immediately.Remember, to save a Special card, a player must run it through the Bottom and Top Run card cycle.
- Unlike Very Special cards, Noah’s Flood may not be used to save other player’s bunnies from harm.This card is for the exclusive use of the player who has it saved.
- Rooney’s Weapons Exchange may be used once by a player to forceany one opponent (or Rooney) to exchange any weapon of his for anyweapon of yours.The player must have at least one Weapon card inhis five-card hand to use this card.First, choose any opponent.If theopponent has any Weapon cards in his hand, then he must show themto the player.Next, the player may exchange any of his Weapon cardsfor any of the opponent’s Weapon cards.Of course if the opponent hadno Weapon cards in his five-card hand, then the player is out of luck and Rooney’s Weapons Exchange is discarded.
- Starting with the Red Booster Deck, all weapon cards that are used in the game are stored (face up) at Rooney’s Weapons Emporium.The player may also exchange one of his Weapon cards for any Weapon card that was already used in the game.
VERY SPECIAL CARD (Yellow Booster Deck)
- Reversal Of Fortune may be used once by a player to redirect any weapon launched at any bunny in The Bunny Circle to any other bunny in The Bunny Circle.May be used at any time!
Strategies And Suggestions
- The primary strategies of the game are to collect as many Carrots as possible and to keep at least one bunny alive in The Bunny Circle.
- A secondary strategy of the game is to eliminate your opponent’s bunnies from the Bunny Circle. No matter how many Carrots they have collected during the game, or how many Kaballa Dolla they have, your opponents cannot win if they do not have a bunny in The Bunny Circle at the end of the game.
- Another secondary strategy of the game is to keep as much Kaballa Dolla saved as possible. At the end of the game, players who do not have a bunny in The Bunny Circle must give their Carrots to the player with the most Kaballa Dolla. Having some Kaballa Dolla handy is a good idea for claiming Carrots at the end of the game or for keeping Carrots if an opponent uses the Weil’s Freshness Center card.
Hey! What can I do if I do not have a bunny at the start of the game? Being bunny-less at the start of the game is a bummer, but it is not the end of the world. Here are five things that you can do when you start the game without a bunny card:
- Run all of your Special and Very Special cards through the Bottom and Top Run card cycle and save them. When your opponents see these cards they will know that you are building up a good group of defensive cards. Hopefully, your opponents will become intimidated and leave you alone.
- Use cards that do not require a bunny (no Pink rectangular box on the left border).
- Waste weaker cards such as lower level Weapon cards or Feed The Bunny cards that ask for smaller amounts of Cabbage Units and Water Units.
- Trade a valuable card in your hand to an opponent for a bunny card. Let’s face it: if you don’t have a bunny, someone else is bound to have one (maybe more). Perhaps you will have a few Choose A Carrot cards in your hand and may decide that parting with one is worth getting a bunny card. Bunnies and Carrots are equally valued in the game.
- Just wait. The game has twenty-seven bunnies (including the two Free Agent bunny cards) as well as cards that will revive bunnies. Eventually, fate will intervene and you will draw a bunny card.
- If a player has two bunnies in The Bunny Circle and one of them has The Heavenly Halo, then we suggest using the Halo bunny as the target for either a Carrot Top Casino or Mad, Mad Donnelaith Bakery card. Here’s why: a bunny with the Halo cannot die and will not need to feed if a bad roll of the dice should occur.
- If you have a pending Feed The Bunny card on one of your bunnies and no good chance that you will be able to feed it, then you should use that bunny to play either a Carrot Top Casino or Mad, Mad Donnelaith Bakery card. Since the bunny is going to die at the end of your turn anyway, why not use it to try to win some supplies?
- Buying all of the Cabbage Cards or Water Cards from the market is a good way to control the game. It will give you a monopoly on the supplies. The Half Price Coupon card, combined with low prices at the market can make this an easy task with a minimal amount of Kaballa Dolla. A player hoarding Cabbage Units or Water Units may re-sell them for as many Kaballa Dolla as he wishes, or demand other favors or items in trade from his opponents.
- Try to keep more than one bunny in The Bunny Circle. After all, the name of the game is Killer Bunnies so it is only reasonable to predict that your bunnies will die from time to time. Also, try to keep one bunny card in your hand and play it towards the end of the game (maybe when there are only a few Carrots left). This will give you a better chance of having a bunny in The Bunny Circle at the end of the game.
- It is a bad idea to buy the last Carrot from the market if you do not have a bunny in The Bunny Circle. Here’s why: the game will immediately be over and you will not be allowed to keep the Carrot anyway with no bunny in The Bunny Circle.
- Don’t be so bent on destruction. A little negotiating may yield a profit for both sides. For example, let’s say that you have the Maggots card and you are ready to play it on your opponent. You probably feel good because he has a total of 14 Cabbage Units and you have none. Perhaps he has been ruthless to you the entire game and you can’t wait to get even. Instead of eliminating all of his Cabbage Units, why not ask for half. He may be willing to give you up to 7 Cabbage Units to save his other 7 Cabbage Units. Let’s face it: you’ll end up with 7 Cabbage Units of your own rather than nothing! You can attract more bees with sweet talk than with sour threats.
- The following practices are highly encouraged during a game of Killer Bunnies: wheeling, dealing, bribery, whining, begging, threatening, extortion, blackmail, groveling and non-violent demonstrations of physical prowess. The game is all about human interactions and responses, so feel free to express yourself and manipulate others (if you can).
Serious Rules (for serious players)
The One Trade Rule
- Players may only trade a bunny in The Bunny Circle, a saved Special card, a saved Very Special card or a Carrot once during the game. Later on, with the addition of booster decks, we will add Pawns, saved Zodiac cards and saved Mysterious Place cards to the list. A trade is when two players decide to make a deal and exchange cards, supplies or favors.
- During the game, a bunny in The Bunny Circle, a saved Special card, a saved Very Special card or a Carrot may be moved using another card. For example, the Carrot Thief card may allow a player to steal Carrot #2 (Abu), but this does not constitute a trade. The player who stole this Carrot may still trade it in the future to another player (assuming it was not traded earlier in the game).
- The best way to explain the logic of The One Trade Rule is to suppose that it didn’t exist. If that were the case, then players might help each other out by passing a bunny in The Bunny Circle from player to player so that all players may play all of their cards. We did not intend for the game to be played in that way. Besides making the game far too easy, it also makes for a rather boring scenario.
- Trades between two players may only take place during one of the players’ turns and not while other players are taking their turns. By limiting trading to a specific player’s turn, the game will move along more swiftly, and players will avoid cumbersome and time-consuming negotiations.
The Broken Contact Rule
- Once a card is placed down on the table and you break contact with it, you cannot retract it. Just like in chess.
The Card For Card Rule
- Any player may trade cards from his five-card hand to any other player during either of the player’s turns. However, trades must be card for card so that no player has an extra card in his hand or is short a card after the trade.
- Bunnies in The Bunny Circle, saved Special cards, saved Very Special cards or Carrots may be traded in any amounts agreed to by the players. Again, trades may only occur during either of the player’s turns.
- Remember that the Top and Bottom Run cards, once placed in position, may not be moved or traded.
The Hex-a-screwup Rule
- Any player found to have an extra card in his hand (six instead of five) during play must allow the opponent who spotted the discrepancy to choose a card (at random) from the player’s hand to be discarded. In addition, the player who had the extra card will lose his next turn and return one of his Carrots to the market (if he has one).
No Exchanges
- Once the last Carrot has been chosen or purchased from the Kaballa’s Market the game is over. The player who took the last Carrot does not draw a card, all pending Feed The Bunny cards are discarded, and no trades or exchanges may be made between any players.
The Tie To The High Rule
- As you know, Carrots may be forfeited at the end of a game by a player with no bunny in The Bunny Circle. If two or more players have the same amount of Kaballa Dolla, then the player holding the card (in his five-card hand) with the highest Card Identification Number (located on the bottom of each card) will take the Carrots.
Fantastic Flo
- The player who owns Carrot #4 (Flo) is entitled to one free feeding per game. You may have noticed that Flo is holding a Large Prune Danish. If Flo should be lost or traded to another player during the same game, then a second free feeding is not permitted
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